Thursday, May 26, 2011

random thoughts 01

Can we share thoughts with conviction of the heart?

I believe that people have the capacity to be considerate while maintaining a sense of honesty (however difficult it may seem) whenever critiquing. To be thoughtful and remain encouraging. That's what I'm always striving for.
I think the notion of brutal honesty has been mistakenly thought of these days as congruent with being the epitome of 'genuine' and 'real'. Not to say that it is wrong because it has its place when learning through hard medicine.

It's a personal preference I guess, because I've never been one to believe in methods of feeling good at the expense of other people. It may be the easy to point out dislikes, but I've always hated the mental discouragement that came with it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


started up another one for external reasons. That one's going to be more of a personal scrapbook of stuff.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

An Intriguing puzzle.

Dunno how many of you have seen this already, but a good pal of mine sent me this link to check out The Thomas Beale Cipher.

It's a 10 minute short film. Quite interesting.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

don't sharpen to draw. draw to sharpen

I may be learning digital tools, but that doesn't mean that good ol' pencil and paper will ever become redundant nor should it be seen as a 'less efficient' way to portray ideas. Every medium has its sensibilities that make it a viable, concise method for communication.

Here's to drawing:

The words of Werner Zimmermann.

A pencil that cannot be dulled is not the essence of good line work. It is the heart and mind that drives the hand.

stay classy,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Messin' About with Glass

Been getting into shaders a lot more in Maya.
Just a quick test of glass that's got frosted stripes on it.
It's a jar made in a minute with nurbs and 20ish minutes
fooling around with the glossiness and caustics.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

started modelling a toilet. YES

for a personal project. Here's the first test render of a quick chrome texture i made just to see if the geometry was disruptive in the reflections.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

final fruitbowl... for now

and this is the render i finished for the semester. still a little flat in lighting but it'll have to do right now.

take it easy,