Monday, July 26, 2010

Desert Hoppers

After consulting with Mike for some ideas and his impressions, I've made the following refinements and added a figure and some colour. It's not final, but it's looking good in its own right I think.. made the cockpit bigger. added a few more decals.

I was walking about today and for some reason I started thinking about Firefly, and how Alan Tudyk had imagined perhaps Wash was a Browncoat transport pilot that got shot down and became a POW at the outset of the war. I have also been reading up on this link about famous canadian military vehicles over the past century, as well as tales of the Chinese soldiers during the dynasty and cold-war eras.
And that's all I'm going to say about what I have got in mind..

1 comment:

  1. Hey bro, I'm not familiar with the Firefly reference but I will try to give some thoughts. It does look like some kind of military vehicle but I'm not sure of the propulsion method. Does it fly? If thats what the pods you added are for then I think they could be integrated more into the body, if not moved lower and toward the corners.
