Saturday, May 15, 2010

'elo boy-o

so I just did this in a couple of hours and it is bounced from Brian's concept take. Inspired by Brian's point about making the character more pronounced, I explored with the notion of tilting his hat upwards to reveal his eyes and then everything came to what it is now.
Evidently, key themes that were at play in my mind were wide-eye, open-worldly, explorative, adventurous, as well as wiry and firey of particular interest. The Indiana Jones tune was resonating with me in my mind whilst I was sketching him out. Which later then evolved into the whistling tune of A Bridge To Far - A tune of boyish wanting for daring adventure and tenacious danger. An innocently happy and rousing tune that is at the same time counterpointed with woe and sorrow which is the inevitable price of adventure.

At present, I haven't decided which colour to go for his jacket. It really depends on what the Jacket particularly is, which I think could be a plot-mystery of future importance. I conject that the Jacket itself is significantly valued by the character. Perhaps it's his (lost) dad's. What sort of jacket it should be? I don't know.. You can see that the colour strongly influences what it will be, so officially it is still ambiguous, but nevertheless here's a colour comparison chart.

Finally, note the subtle touches in his eyes and how his hands clasps the long sleeves. I'm interested to hear what you have to say on those! He's also wearing both a white undershirt and a 'wife-beater' but I am not sure which one the character should go with. Or maybe both?

auf wiedersehen.

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